6 years ago
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June is one of my favorite months of the year!!!
June has been a great month filled with new arrivals, visits with family and friends, Father's Day, a lot of play dates, and the end of Leah at daycare full time! Here are all the fun things we did this month.
We had lots of fun at Van Saun Park with Noni. LeLe loved the train ride and seeing all of the animals.
Yes there is a new baby in town.....we are so happy to welcome baby Bella ( Isabella) to the world. Congrats to Adam and Dominque, she is a cutie.
Taking her first bath with her bff's Syd and Liv (although Liv was not excited to see Leah in her tub)
I wonder what kind of secret they are sharing????
Here the girls are sharing pajamas, bottles, and books.
BBQ time at the Kurchack's.....saying bye bye to baby Olivia before she leaves for camp.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Our first family campring trip was so great. We never imagined that we would make it to the woods this early in her life but was up for the adventure. Luckily we went with great friends and their babies. We stayed in the Catskilss at Ali, Joe and Layla's house. Although some opted to sleep in the pretty cbin we chose to rough it outside. All of the babies were so great and we can't wait to go again.
Happy 15 Month Birthday
Health Update:
If I dare to write this.... we have had a few weeks of amazing health in our house. Leah's persistent running nose and cough have some how come to an end. We can now add allergist to her list of doctor's she has encountered...sat through 3 hours of testing and not allergic to a single thing.....thank g-d for poor Tyson!!) I think when I mentally decided to just stop with all of the dr. appt's and medication it all just came to an end ( maybe it was sitting in the "sick"waiting rooms that kept her soo sick!). Last week we passed by a mother who was cleaning her child's throat tube and it made me realize that your life is so relevant to you until you compare it to others. I have been complaining and complaining about colds and coughs when really things could much worse. We are so grateful for the amazing health that Leah does have and all will run it's course.
Changing all the Time:
They really do become "toddlers" at this age and it is more fun than ever.
Her Words:
one, two, ( but never three)
shhhh ( with the finger over her mouth)
no ( I should have write this one first)
nite nite
baba ( for bottle)
bye bye
wheeeee! (when she rides on something)
vroom vroom
She can sign for: more, milk, and eat!!!!
Point to a few body parts
Make animal sounds
Sing along to certain songs
LOVES to hear her cd's in the car
HATES to be locked in for to long ( that includes her car seat, high chair, and shopping carts)
Can play hide and seek and will "pretend" to do things ( have tea parties, and pretend to be sleeping)
Can throw mini temper tantrums:
Trying to "discipline" a 15 month old has been quite interesting. She will now test you with the hitting, biting, and we have witnessed a few tantrums ( yes, she has thrown her self on the floor and acted like a complete drama queen). But as I read books, websites, and other blogs....I am not only reassured this is normal but healthy. Or is that a lie to keep us parents sane????
Has about 12 teeth and not sure of weight and height yet since her dr. appt is on Monday
And the winners of my favorite new skills:
Her dancing level has definitely stepped up a notch. She can now twirl around , swing her arms, and bend her knees ( not always to the beat, but that will come later). She actually shakes her butt like beyonce.
and most important.............
Gives the best hugs in the world.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
pigtails or afropuffs
Leah's hair has always been a fun topic....since one day it was straight and now we have super curls. ( as you can tell we are so obsesssed). Well yesterday she came home from daycare with her very first front pigtails. Althpugh they kind of look like buns ( or if you listened to hip hop in the 90's, "afro-puffs". ) The pics don't do justice but they were soo cute. Seems as though they use Leah as a their doll since I keep sending her there with no pigtails and she keeps coming home with them (???). Well even though Daddy thinks they are the cutest thing Mommy had to put an end to them until we can find better rubber bands, since each night she cries when I have to take them out and I pull alot of her hair out with it. Either way here are the pics of her first (and I am sure there will be many more) fun hairstyles.
Day at the Zoo
The great weekend continued with Leah's first trip to a Zoo. She loves her animals lately and always wants to read a book about them so we knew this would be a hit. We enjoyed the day with friends and especially loved the little pigs!!
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