Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June is one of my favorite months of the year!!!

June has been a great month filled with new arrivals, visits with family and friends, Father's Day, a lot of play dates, and the end of Leah at daycare full time! Here are all the fun things we did this month.
Mommy gets a new car and all Leah wants to hear is the "Elmo CD" every time we get in it!
We had lots of fun at Van Saun Park with Noni. LeLe loved the train ride and seeing all of the animals.

Yes there is a new baby in town.....we are so happy to welcome baby Bella ( Isabella) to the world. Congrats to Adam and Dominque, she is a cutie.

Taking her first bath with her bff's Syd and Liv (although Liv was not excited to see Leah in her tub)
I wonder what kind of secret they are sharing????

Here the girls are sharing pajamas, bottles, and books.

BBQ time at the Kurchack's.....saying bye bye to baby Olivia before she leaves for camp.
Meeting up with the cousins at the Children's Museum. Leah gets to sign Lainey's cast!!

More fun at the museum

Lainey.....I can't wait for you to teach me EVERYTHING!!

Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy in the whole world. Seriously...... you rock!

Brunch at Rosie's
Finally we get to plant some pretty flowers. Leah loves to say "ohhh flowers" and then smell them.
And now that June has come to an end Mommy and Leah are soooo excited to be together everyday. I am sure there will be alot to write about over the summer.

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