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Friday, February 13, 2009

Thank you so much Tracey

Well it's been a wonderful 6 months Leah has spent with Tracey. Everyday we dropped her off at Tracey's houes and everyday we picked her up with a smile. It was so sweet to see Leah grow attached and become so affectionate to Tracey. She was so easy to work with and made me going back to work such an easy transition. She never complained ( even with all of those sniffly days) and I am positive that Leah is a better person because of her. All of the reading, singing, hugging,trying new foods, playing with her son Tommy, and even hearing some Italian spoken in the house has done her alot of good. So of course we were sad to find out that her tiem with Tracey would be coming to end. We hiope to still keep in touch and get her together with them to play. I am excited and thinking that at her age daycare will be good for her. Of course this is harder for Mommy then Leah,but Mommy knows that Leah can't wait to make new friends and experiences.

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