Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 6, 2009

Meeting so many new friends this weekend

Team Jalosky

Eva kissing Leah hello

Leah meeting Olivia

soooooo delicious

Leah, Mommy, and Stephanie

What a great weekend we had. First, we headed down to Long Island to see JJ, Becky, Eva, and new addition to the Jalosky family.....Ethan!! He is soo cute and it was great to watch Eva and Leah play. Jonathan is one of Mommy's oldest friends ( and best man to Corey, he stole my BFF)and we can't believe that we are Mommy's and Daddy's now. Then we headed into Queens to go and see Rosanne and Josh and meet baby Olivia. What a little roasted peanut. They are such naturals and doing really well. Leah's first trip into the city.....that Queens Blvd is scarrrrryyyyy. On Sunday Falbo (Stephanie ) came over and met Leah for the first time. That is another one of Mommy's good friends from college. All weekend, Leah was amazing with new people and we think the "new person" jitters have gone away!!!!! She is so lucky to have such wonderful friends in her life.

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