Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Farewell Party

Today was bittersweet to say good bye to 2 of Leah's (and Mommy's) good friends. Throughout this blog we have written about how much the baby group has meant to us. We knew no one in CT and now that we have such a nice group of friends has been so much fun!! Well, sadly 2 of the crew are moving away and we had a bbq for them. Janelle/Rylee and Melissa/Will are heading back to their "home"state and we are going to miss them sooooo much. Leah didn't feel so good at the party ( shocking???) and we had to leave early. We just want them to know that we are so lucky to have met them and we will never forget all of the great memories we made with them ( and will continue to make when we take our road trips!!). Here are some pics from the photo shoot we took for them and the party!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

We will miss you guys so much! We hope you come visit us in Boston since we aren't that far away. Now we just have to find a darn house!