Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First words with meaning

She has been doing the baby talk thing now for about 2 months. She's got Dada down but we're not really sure she means it towards Corey since she says it ALL DAY!!! But she now says "doggie" ( or really "yoggie") when she actually sees Tyson. I knew she liked him the best :).Her friend Rylee did this a while ago at her dog and I wondered if Leah would do the same thing. I guess this would be a good time to talk about our other child, Tyson. Corey bought him for me as a surprise in June 2007, about 3 weeks BEFORE we found out we were pregnant. He says that he got it just in case it was hard for us to get pregnant. Luckily it wasn't and so having a brand new puppy and finding out we were having a baby was alot to take in. I was in love with this little puppy but VERY nervous about how we would handle both and if the dog would eat the baby. But Tyson really has become our other child. He has such a personality and you can really tell how much he loves Leah. We have watched him grow alot of amazement too. All of his milestones were important too;first time he
jumped on the couch, sat on command, and stopped peeing in the house ( well that still happens once in a while). But I have to say it's been very cool to have them both in our lives and to experince them at the same time.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

OMG! How funny that "Doggy" was both of thier first words!!! I LOVE it!!! So cute :)