Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat '08

I want my candy!!!!!!

Leah the ladybug went out for her first Trick or Treat around Kensington Woods. We were so excited that I think we were the first one's out there (plus she'll be knocked out by 7). I was Hippie Girl ( later titled Foxy Brown) and Corey was Obama. It was classic. He was campaigning and kissing a baby the whole night. She was great and of course there were no words but she screamed and swung her arms with excitement when people came to the door. She ( really Mommy and Daddy) got some great candy. All I could think to myself was......should I check the candy for needles. That was so big in the 80's. I've been waiting to be a mom just to say that. ( meanwhile she can't even eat the candy!!)Another great first experience.......

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