Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 11, 2008

On my way to work this morning

So on my hour commute each morning and afternoon I have alot of time to think and ponder. My mind usually races between....... Leah, my students, what i'll eat for lunch, when and how can i go on vacation with corey, what i'll eat for dinner, looking foward to the weekend, how can I lose 10 lbs, etc....... This morning I had some random things on my mind so I figured this is the place I can write them down. Why in the world in Leah waking up at 4am this whole week? Does she know I wake up at 5 and wants to spend some extra time with me. Winter is tough getting up, I won't lie....I am exhausted each morning , but can I really complain since she sleeps all the way from 7pm. I am contiplating starting to drink coffee. I know I am one of the few not on the coffee express. Or is it a sign I should stay awake and work out..........yeah, I don't see that happening. I feel selfish but I would do ANTHING for that extra hour. Another thought....I heard that Tracey took Leah yesterday to go see Santa, and she lost it, crying hysterically. I never want her to be sad, but I think it is kinda of funny, because that means she is totally Jewish. I guess she made up her mind already( hehehehe). Friday is her 9 month checkup and I can't wait. Why???? To get her weighed. Sounds nuts, but I love these milestones and hearing all of her stats. I never imagined a doctor appoinment would make me so excited. And lastly, on my way home yesterday I stopped at this really cute consignment shop , the Preppy Turtle and got the best clothing for Leah ever and they were like 5$ each!! I am ofically done with real stores ( goodbuy Gap, Old Navy, and defaintly Denny's and Buy Buy Baby ....where for the past 9 months I have thought it was okay to spend 30$ on a dress, that she will wear once). We are in a recsession and I have to do my part. Plus , if you are really smart you will go to a consignment shop in a rich town because these people sell their beautiful/expensive cloths with the tags still on them! NUTS! Okay I should start my work for the day.....I wonder what Leah is doing right now. Between blogging, facebook, email, and looking at pictures all day I should squeeze some work in........Oh great my Assistant Principal just walked in while I was blogging, if that isn't a sign!


Janelle said...

love your thoughts!! rylee has been sleeping bad too, but she is sick :( She also hated Santa as well..maybe she wants to be jewish too?? haha! And i am with you on the shopping! ;)

Keri Ann said...

Where is that consignment shop?? I am there. Good seeing you the other night! We miss Leah though..